di Redazione,
La notizia è per ora solo ufficiosa, ma è destinata a far discutere nuovamente il mondo del nuoto Master: alcuni atleti che prima dello “stop” alle iscrizioni – giunto il 10 febbraio, dopo poco più di 48 ore dalla loro apertura – avevano già completato la registrazione all’evento con un numero di gare superiore a 3, stanno ricevendo un’email da parte della LEN in cui si chiede di ridurre a 3 il numero di gare.
La comunicazione della LEN è in contrasto con quanto ufficialmente dichiarato dagli organizzatori nel comunicato ufficiale del 17 febbraio, in cui si spiegava che la riapertura delle iscrizioni con 3 gare al massimo per i nuovi iscritti, riapertura avvenuta alle 13.00 di martedì 18 febbraio, non avrebbe invece interessato gli atleti che si erano registrati nei primi due giorni.
Mail arrivata di seguito il testo
ciao e grazie per le informazioni
Many thanks for registering to compete in swimming at the London 2016 Arena European Masters Championships at the London Aquatics Centre from May 25-29.
As I am sure you will know, demand for swimming entries has reached unprecedented levels with double the number of athletes registered compared to Eindhoven. We at LEN believe that the Championships should be open to as many across Europe who are eligible to help celebrate masters swimming.
LEN have been overwhelmed by the sheer number of people wishing to come to London but are committed to delivering the best experience possible for all athletes. Following a review of the Championships entries requested by the LEN Bureau, the LEN Masters Committee are now kindly requesting that all those who entered either four or five events during in the initial registration phase from February 8-10 reduce their entry to a maximum of three. This would then ensure that everyone has the same opportunity to race a maximum of three events and help in making the experience beneficial for all.
LEN had deeply hoped to be able to fulfil the maximum five swimming entries initially allowed per person however it is clear that doing this would severely impact on the experience for all athletes, whether registered in the initial phase or not.
LEN can confirm that full refunds will be made to all athletes reducing their number of events to a maximum of three and all athletes will be able to choose which events they wish to remain entered into and which events they do not.
Here is the link that allow you to remove the events:
You can do a login at this page with the following credentials:
EMAIL: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
LEN understand the frustration that this will cause but are determined to provide the best experience possible for all athletes and believe this to be a reasonable solution in order to achieve this.
We once again thank you for registering to compete at the Championships in London in May and ask for your collaboration and cooperation to help deliver a truly fantastic event for the Masters community.